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Our Rental car contract

Rental car contract Download 


Let it be clearly understood by the present private rent a car document, endorsed on one hand by IMBEX SRL located in the city of La Paz, Which from here on will be denominated the rental car company and on the other hand the client that identifies and endorses the back of this document, which in its case if necessary can be raised to the category of a public instrument by the request of any of the parts, subject to the following clauses:

First Object.-
The present contract has an object, the rent of a motorized vehicle which specifications are detailed in the back of the present contract, by the rental car company part in favor of the client, according to the stipulations contained in the present contract.

Second Term of the Contract.-
The individualized vehicle is handed over to the client in quality of rent for the period of time and conditions established in this contract, having to be returned to the business at the end of the leasing period agreed in the same mechanical and conservation conditions which the car was handed over according to the inventory.
The compulsory termination of this rental contract is stated in the front page of this document and it will never be extended by the rental side without the showing of the constant willingness of the same in which case , written in an entry which does her in the copy in the hands of the client.

The client declares to know that the vehicle does not have any amount of controlled substances the moment it leaves the IMBEX SRL installations, for which IMBEX SRL unites itself from all responsibilities penal as well as civil that could arise during the time in which the client is in possession of the rented vehicle of the Art. 48,51,53,55,71,and 76 of the 1008 Law  (Coca Regime and controlled substance Law).

Forth.- Obligations of the client
Are the Obligations of the client:
1. Drive, in every situation, the rented car under the protection of the respective License, granted by legal procedures and competent authorities.
2. Do not drive the vehicle under alcohol or any drug influence.
3. Do Not make use of the vehicle in a  lucrative form
4. Do not sublet the vehicle
5. Obey the  rules
6. Do not use the vehicle to pull (drag) trailers unless you have specific and written authorization from the rental
7. Do not carry the rented vehicle with relation to its normal capacity
8. Periodically and reasonably check, the oil level in the motor, the water in the radiator, and check the air pressure in the vehicle’s tires.
9. Keep the car locked with key whenever you are not in it and keep it watched over when left parked.
10. Do not participate with the car, indirectly or directly, in races or security, resistance or speed races.
11. Do not drive the vehicle in holes, rivers or unauthorized roads for the vehicular transit.
12. Do not handle explosives, inflammable material, drugs or narcotics in the vehicle even in the case that this transport might be done within the legal terms.
13.   Answer back from any damage to people or things, caused with the rented vehicle in the time in which the car is in physical or juridical possession of the client
14. Pay back any damages suffered by the people that travel in the rented vehicle in the time in which the car is under physical or juridical possession
15. Pay back for the damages the vehicle suffers while it is under physical or juridical possession of the client
16. Answer back for the sanctions imposed for violating the traffic rules or any other regulation, being able to be executed by the rentals side, the payment of this charges, in the same moment that the correspondent import is covered and the other presentation importunately after.
17. Answer back all the illicit acts and actions done with the vehicle or in the vehicle
18. In general do not use the vehicle in different ways or in different ways to the ones stipulated in the present contract or any other regulation, and take responsibility of the possession of the same vehicle
19. The client will be responsible for any loss and or damage caused to the property and/or value left, saved or transported in the vehicle
20. The client mustn’t leave the explicitly established area in the point “Travel authority” in the front page of this contract, in contrary the leaseholder accepts to lose mechanic auxiliary responsible for the damages and harms caused.

Cualquier violación a lo convenido en esta cláusula, determinara que el Arrendatario se constituya en el único y exclusivo responsable de los daños y perjuicios causados.

The client will pay as the price of the rental in cash and precisely where it was signed, the amounts from the rest of the sanctions and the planned interests in this contract. The rent will start running the moment in which this document is signed, by virtue of being the client, starting this moment, in complete possession of the vehicle and until the date in which it’s returned, in its complete satisfaction to the rental car company.

The rented car will be destined only and exclusively for the client transportation and its companions, and this vehicle can be driven only by the client or under absolute responsibility of the same, by the driver or drivers that he points out and authorizes the rental car company, which should be pointed out in this same contract, being obliged , him/her, to impede that another person makes use of the vehicle.

In the case that there are mechanical imperfections in the rented unity and in case it doesn’t continue functioning properly, the client must inform the business immediately for the reposition of the unity and its repair. In case of controversies the client must pay the liquidation until the moment of the malfunctioning with a 10% discount of the damages and harms caused by the customer. In case the imperfection has been caused by the negligence, , or clumsiness of the driver or client, he/she should pay the total amount of the liquidation of the rental time agreed, plus the transfer costs, spares and workforce applied in the repair of the unity.

Eighth sacked profit.-
The client compromises to pay for the emerging sack profit of the prejudice that the client suffers for all the time that surpasses the agreed time in the contract, either it can be because the vehicle is in repairman due to the damages caused by an accident, theft or any other sinister or for remaining kidnapped by the competent authorities. The sack profit will be calculated according to the daily rate established by the client, plus the value correspondent to 120 daily kilometers, computed since the day that the contract ends to the day the vehicle is perfectly functioning and its conservation is put in the rental car company  offices.

Ninth: Conditions of the present contract.-
This contract is personal and non-transferable, becoming the client the legal guardian of the rented car the same which can not be lend or sublet without the specific written authorization from IMBEX S.R.L. Leaving strict constancy, that the rental car company rents the vehicle under the information by the customer about his identity, age, home, physical and mental aptitude to drive, validity of the drivers license.

In any case the client had to return the vehicle before the agreed time, this should cancel the rental cost of the vehicle used, plus 50% of the contracted lease.

This contract is personal and non-transferable, becoming the client the legal guardian of the rented car the same which can not be lend or sublet without the specific written authorization from IMBEX S.R.L.

Eleventh.- Explicit Authorization
The client in an explicit, irrevocable and definitive manner specifies the rental to charge through its credit card any import which is owed to him, without prejudice that the client might go to other legal ways for the payment of any remnant. To this the client authorizes in an explicit, definitive and irrevocable way when filling out the voucher of its credit card with the necessary sum.
In the moment of devolution the business will proceed with the calculations of the rental costs, under the terms and conditions established, as well as the compensation for any damages caused to the rented vehicle, damages to thirds or to its commodities.
In any case the client can charge any remnant or sum due to the client for any concept, through the legal way that suits him the best to which effect the liquidations that the rental car company practices will be liquid (eligible) and of time expired, without the necessity of any formality.

Twelfth: About Insurance
The rented vehicle, is insured according to a policy that the client, declares to know in all of its clauses an it’s fully fulfillment is required. In case that for any violation of any of the clauses, the insurance Company didn’t cover the damage or if this damage was greater than the insured amount, the client is obliged to pay in its totality the damage or the difference respectively. This insurance completely contemplates an exemption which is detailed in the back that the client is obliged to pay in case of any sinister the daily established lease fee during all the time the vehicle is found in repair.
It is left clear the constancy to the client that the insurance hired does not cover in any case partial losses of the lease unity such as robs of the windshield wiper, mirrors, side mirrors, spared tire , lid of the gas tank, change tools, radio equipment, and others. The same that will be reposed in its totality by the client, existing the possibility of having this amount discounted on its credit card by the rental car company.
It is explicitly expressed that the insurance wont cover damages or loses caused as a product of negligence, imprudence in driving, exceeding the speed limit, or when the client or the driver is under alcoholic or drug substances, in the same way it doesn’t respond for any total loss when the vehicle has been abandoned without any type of protection in the street or outside, by this end it is recommended to keep it or park it during night or day in garages with the accurate protection.
In case of total loss for theft or accident, the insurance doesn’t cover the total value of the vehicle, only 80% of the vehicles value, the other 20% will be covered by the client.
In case of backup from the client authorizes IMBEX S.R.L. to discount such amount from the credit card.

Thirteenth.-Devolution of the vehicle
The rented  vehicle should be given back to IMBEX S.R.L., in the registered date on the front page of this contract in the space denominated “devolution date”, except the extension of the period previously authorized by IMBEX S.R.L., in case of the possession of the vehicle leased by the customer more over the indicated date in the space denominated “devolution date” or of the extension authorized in written if there were one, the fact will be considered as a theft. Characterized theft, the customer will remain subject to the penal and civil sanctions derived form it, carrying with all the judicial and extra juridical charges that IMBEX S.R.L. incurs in for the search, apprehension, and effective reintegration of the vehicles possession.
The rented vehicle must be returned to the rental agency, however, explicit previous authorization from the rental the devolution of the vehicle can take place in any other agency or IMBEX S.R.L. office, remaining in charge of the customer the costs correspondent to the vehicle to the agency of origin.
In case of controversy about the liquidation, damages and vehicle losses third persons things, the client and driver, agree in voluntary form its (arraign) in the city of La Paz, arranged by the pertinent authorities or in its defect they are obliged not to go away from the city where he is found until it is solved or until a favorable agreement is reached with the business.  
Any Attempt against the agreed in this clause will be characterized as a felony for fraud sanctioned by the Penal Bolivian Code.

Fourteenth.-  Explicit declaration
The client takes responsibility in an explicit manner, definitive and irrevocable for any damage caused by the person authorized by him to drive the car.

Fifteenth.- Competence Extension
We the rental car company and the client, express the agreement to submit ourselves, in reason of the territory, to the competence of the Mr. Judge with seat in the city of La Paz, for the execution of the present contract, in conformity of the Art. 519 of the Civil Code and the Art. 24 of the L.O.G.

Fifteenth : Agreement
The rental car company and the client sign in the back in conformity with each and every one of the clauses that precede and subscribe this contract and double copy and a only purpose.